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Hi, welcome to the Bradley family Travel Blog! The point of the blog is to let our family and friends see what we are doing and if they ever go to these places they can choose what to see and what to avoid. We tend to lean toward the more active side - like "leave no stone unturned" so if you want to go at a more leisurely pace, you can just pick and choose. Choose a destination above, on the map, or in the groups on the right hand side of the page.

Happy travels, Phill, Shellie, Bix, Brooke

Day 7 - Akaka Falls and Botanical Gardens

Brooke woke up bright and early in the morning relaxed and ready for another day.  The turtle on the other hand was dead tired from staying up all night.
First stop today was KoleKole Beach Park near our house. There was no beach at the beach park, but there was park.  The surf was too rough for swimming, so we just watched some other kids trying to boogieboard.
Bix and Brooke tried their hand at picnic table surfing - pretty good!

Next we went to Akaka Falls State park - home of the tallest waterfall on the Big Island.  We went on a short nature hike to get to the falls and saw another, more distant waterfall.  Mom took this picture.
Then we arrived at the waterfall - it was very impressive.   Bix and Brooke said they for sure would not go over the waterfall in a raft.  It was too tall.  After the falls we saw a man weaving hats and other decorations from palms - it was very cool.  Then we headed to the Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden.. we convinced the kids to go on another "Nature Walk".  But this one they really loved (actually they loved them all)...
They loved all the different kinds of plants - saw a giant frog and some large crabs crawling on a rock.  Mom liked the "lobster claws" and one really large pink flower growing off of a tree.

Here's a picture of all four of us at the ocean-end of the garden.

Mom treated us to smoothies - she was especially happy because there were no bananas (Dad doesn't like them).  Turns out this place uses frozen bananas instead of ice, so they were EXTRA banana-y.  Oops.
We washed the taste out with some Big Island McDonalds then went for some shaved ice.
The portions were huge!  Bix got a hulk tongue and Brooke got a pink tongue again.  After we ate we visited with a talking goat.

This isn't us - I just like this picture.

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